Targets: CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, CNN
Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Ron Paul did NOT storm out of interview, it was just over
Friday, December 23, 2011
NAACP President: Ron Paul Is Not A Racist
Austin NAACP President Nelson Linder, who has known Ron Paul for 20 years, unequivocally dismissed charges that the Congressman was a racist in light of recent smear attempts, and said the reason for him being attacked was that he was a threat to the establishment…
…”Knowing Ron Paul’s intent, I think he is trying to improve this country but I think also, when you talk about the Constitution and you constantly criticize the federal government versus state I think a lot of folks are going to misconstrue that….so I think it’s very easy for folks who want to to take his position out of context and that’s what I’m hearing,” said Linder.
“Knowing Ron Paul and having talked to him, I think he’s a very fair guy I just think that a lot of folks do not understand the Libertarian platform,” he added.
Asked directly if Ron Paul was a racist, Linder responded “No I don’t,” adding that he had heard Ron Paul speak out about police repression of black communities and mandatory minimum sentences on many occasions.
Dr. Paul has also publicly praised Martin Luther King as his hero on many occasions spanning back 20 years.
NAACP President: Ron Paul Is Not A Racist [continued]
Thursday, December 22, 2011
News Sources / Websites Boycott List
Town Hall
Washington Examiner
The Weekly Standard
Canada Free Press
The Atlantic
Bliss Tree
The Jewish Journal of Greater L.A.
USA Today
Detroit Free Press
Daily Caller
The Atlantic Wire
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Ron Paul Hate From Establishment Republicans
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Branstad’s Act Of Sabotage An Outrageous Attempt To Tamper With Election Process
Iowa Governor urges voters to ignore result if Ron Paul wins
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Iowa Governor Terry Branstad’s rhetorical act of sabotage against his own state’s Republican primary, with his insistence that a potential Ron Paul victory should be ignored, represents an outrageous attempt to tamper with the election process.
As we reported earlier, Branstad told Politico that a Paul victory in the primary should be dismissed, urging Republicans to ignore the legitimacy of the result if the Texan Congressman comes out on top, which recent polls suggest he has a very good chance of doing. Politico adds that many fear “such a result….would do irreparable harm to the future role of the first-in-the-nation caucuses.”
“People are going to look at who comes in second and who comes in third,” said Branstad, adding, ““If [Mitt] Romney comes in a strong second, it definitely helps him going into New Hampshire and the other states,” comments taken to mean that Republicans should “ignore” Ron Paul, according to Politico’s Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns.
Branstad’s comments represent a treasonous effort to delegitimize the veracity of his own state’s primary. There are truly no depths to which establishment stooges like Branstad will sink in order to denigrate Ron Paul’s campaign.
Far from a potential Paul victory causing “irreparable harm” to the Iowa primary, as Politico would have it, Branstad himself has already done “irreparable harm” to the sanctity of future caucuses in the state.
Branstad is not only attempting to sabotage Paul’s campaign, he is directly undermining citizens in his own state by openly declaring that their vote is worthless, even though Paul is the current frontrunner.
The Governor has indicated said that he probably won’t endorse a candidate before the Jan. 3 caucuses in Iowa.
However, in an Associated Press interview last week, Branstad said he didn’t think Newt Gingrich “has the discipline and focus to be president”.
If Branstad is rooting for anyone, it’s clearly Mitt Romney. Prominent Romney supporters are even trying to groom Branstad into becoming a candidate for Vice President under a Romney administration.
“1996 GOP presidential nominee Bob Dole broached the idea of Branstad as No. 2 on the ticket. Dole reportedly called Branstad this weekend to let him know he would be endorsing Mitt Romney for president, and said he’d like to recommend Iowa’s governor as a possible running mate,” reports USA Today.
Branstad downplayed his interest in the role, but said he was “flattered” to be considered.
The GOP establishment is not keen on the Iowa primary because it is actually the most democratic and truly representative out of all the caucuses.
Establishment media pundits have also ludicrously tried to downplay the importance of the Iowa primary despite it being widely renowned as being key to deciding the overall winner of the Republican nomination. Two out of the last three winners of the Iowa primary have gone on to be victorious in the GOP race.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Five things you can do right now to help stop the economic plundering of our world
(NaturalNews) The economic plundering of our world is well under way, with the Goldman Sachs "white shoe boyz" taking over entire national economies as they confiscate the wealth of the working class. They aren't the only evildoers wreaking havoc across the world, of course: A cabal of powerful and criminally-insane corporations are destroying the future of food, plotting to keep citizens suffering from disease, and even perpetuating war so they can earn obscene profits from selling more bullets, bombs and missiles.
You can help resist this economic imperialism by taking simple actions that protect your wealth and pull it out of the hands of the globalists who are actively destroying our world. Here are five of the most powerful action steps to take that can turn the tables and restore economic sovereignty at every level -- household, community, state, nation and the entire globe.
#1) Shop at local farmers' markets, food co-ops and local grocers
Stop buying Tyson chicken. Stop buying Monsanto-engineered GMO foods at the grocery store. Stop giving your money to food industry globalists such as ADM, Cargill and PepsiCo. Every time you buy a can of brand-name soda, a carton of genetically modified soy milk, or a bag of popular snack chips, you are financially supporting a system of global agricultural poverty and food domination that destroys life and liberty.If you shop based solely on price and not ethics, you are take part in the economic destruction of our world. Shop local, buy organic and avoid all the corporate food giants and their deceptive, dishonest packaged foods.
Remember: If the food you eat comes in a box, your family and friends will eventually find YOU in a box, too.
#2) Pull your money out of the big banks and put it in local credit unions
When you deposit $1,000 in a globalist bank, they can turn around and, through a series of fractional reserve banking transactions, turn that into $9,000 in loans that earn them interest. Inversely, by pulling $1,000 out of a globalist bank (JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, etc.), you deny them the ability to make $9,000 in loans, thus shrinking their profits by a significant factor.One of the most powerful and honest strategies you can use to protect your own savings and stop financially supporting the global financial crooks who are running the largest banks is to move your money to a local credit union.
Most credit unions, by law, cannot bet on derivatives. So they don't have the $68+ TRILLION in financial exposure that Bank of America has right now, for example. (
Of course, your local credit unions are normally not insured by the FDIC, but that's actually a bonus because the FDIC will itself be insolvent in the first 24 hours of a true banking debt collapse (its own funds are a pittance compared to the scale of the global derivatives debt possessed by the banks it claims to insure). ( You're far smarter holding your money in a local credit union covered by an independent insurance agency that has nothing to do with the large global banks and their coming derivatives disasters.
#3) Stop working for The Man as a wage slave
If you punch a clock working for The Man, then you're part of the problem. Every hour of your effort goes to keep propping up the very system that's bringing you down.It's difficult, of course, to find work these days, and it's absolutely true that The Man pays double or even triple the wages of anyone else. Heck, even TSA jobs come with great pay, government health benefits, and the "administrative right" to sexually molest innocent people, which is a real bonus to some of the disturbed psychopaths who take those jobs in the first place. (
If you want to stop working for The Man, you are going to have to downsize your material wealth and instead be content to possess spiritual wealth (and ethical currency, so to speak). Yes, you might live in a smaller house and drive a smaller car, but you won't have to sell out your soul to an evil system of tyranny and oppression.
So if you're currently punching a clock for some evil corporation, some tyrannical government entity, or some poison-pushing pharmaceutical company, find a new line of work and stop supporting the very system that's destroying us all.
#4) Trade soon-to-be-useless paper currency for real goods
Are you still sitting on a bunch of paper currency and hoping it will somehow be worth the same amount in five years? Stop kidding yourself... the value of all the top global currencies is eroding by the hour. At times, it seems like it's not happening because they're all eroding together, so the relative valuation between currencies appears to be deceptively stable. But underneath it all, global currency devaluation has viciously accelerated -- and both the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve are committed to printing even more counterfeit currency to further speed the process.By the time all the European banks are bailed out, and the U.S. banks are bailed out, and the Canadian and Australian banks are bailed out, if you're still left holding hyper-inflated currencies like the U.S. dollar, you're going to be lucky to still own ten cents on the dollar in terms of today's purchasing power. That's why smart people are exchanging their soon-to-be-worthless currencies for real things that hold real value: Dirt (farmland), gold, silver, quality firearms, stored food, hand tools, tractors and much more.
We recently ran an article promoting Himalayan Salt Lamps which are an easy way to store 3-4 pounds of valuable full-spectrum salt while also using it as a lamp in the short term. All 1,000 of the lamps we had sold out within 6 hours, which just goes to show you that NaturalNews readers are getting it ( They understand the value of having things of real worth rather than sitting on mere dollars (or the electronic equivalent thereof).
#5) Stop voting for politicians funded by Wall Street bankers
This is perhaps the most important -- and yet most difficult -- principle of all: Stop voting for politicians and bureaucrats who are propped up by banker money.It's almost impossible to do, of course, since nearly all the politicians -- across the political spectrum -- take big money from the big banking cartels. Obama himself is deeply in bed with Wall Street interests, but so was Bush and others.
Herman McCain, who thankfully dropped out of the Republican race just a couple of days ago, was a Federal Reserve insider. You couldn't pick a more compromised candidate to try to fix the economy when he's part of the very system of theft that's destroying it!
The only real candidate who would challenge the economic plunder of our world is, of course, Ron Paul ( He's the guy who has stood firm on the principle of auditing the Fed and even ending the Fed so that the money supply of America can be put back into the hands of the Congress (i.e. the People) and not a private bankster cartel run by globalist crooks.
Do these five things now if you want to help save your nation from total economic destruction
Right now, whether you are Republican, Democrat or Libertarian, one of the most patriotic things you can do to save your nation is follow these five steps and start redirecting your financial resources away from the globalists and toward your local community.Support small, local businesses. Support local financial institutions. Don't buy the stock of evil corporations, even if they pay financial dividends. Vote for candidates who operate with consistent ethics, not the ones who give the slickest speeches and promise the most handouts.
Put your time, money and effort into restoring your nation or you will lose your nation. Every dollar that you spend, save or invest in a profit-driven bank or evil corporate giant is a dollar that will one day be used to wage economic warfare against you and your own children.
Think about what you're doing. Save yourself, my friends, because all the other big players out there would far prefer to enslave you than set you free.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
10 Rules for Dealing with Police
2. You have the right to remain silent.
3. You have the right to refuse searches.
4. Don't get tricked into waiving your rights.
5. Determine if you're free to go.
6. Don't do anything illegal.
7. Don't run.
8. Never touch a cop.
9. Report misconduct: Be a good witness.
10. You don't have to let them in.
Source: Flex Your Rights
Protesters Have the Right to Protest … and to Resist Unlawful Arrest
November 13, 2011
Top Military Commander and Courts Support Right to Protest
In response to comments from those supporting the police crackdowns on peaceful protesters exercising their constitutional rights but violating local ordinances (see comments here), reader Purplemuse writes:
The Constitution supersedes local ordinances that are being used to OBSTRUCT 1st Amendment Rights. The camping ITSELF is in order to MAKE A STATEMENT – a First Amendment Right. Protesters are not camping because it is fun to expose yourself to the elements and hardship and you want to roast wienies and marshmallows and drink beer while swapping ghost stories.
Would you listen to Colin Powell, retired four-star general in the United States Army, Powell also served as National Security Advisor (1987–1989), as Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command (1989) and as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989–1993) when he says, “It isn’t enough just to scream at the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. We need our political system to start reflecting this anger back into, ‘How do we fix it? How do we get the economy going again?’” He also states that the Occupy Wall Street Protests are “As American as Apple Pie.”
Does he go on to qualify his statement by saying, “as long as they obey local (misdemeanor) ordinances. No, he does not. He actually goes on to say that he “gets” it.
If a man, well above your rank, that you’d likely drop everything to stand up in a room to honor, “gets” that peaceful protests, by design (that’s why they are referred to as ‘civil disobedience’) infringe on ordinances and make the public uncomfortable in order to be heard, are as American as Apple Pie; do you think you could set your fear of disobedience aside long enough to defend those protesters against physical harm for exercising those American as Apple Pie Rights? If you can’t than I think you need to join the ranks of officers who simply “do as they are told” and jab petite women in the spleen with billy clubs (as in Berkeley) in order to incite a riot. (BTW: They did not succeed, Berkeley stood firm in determined peace).
(Watch Powell’s statement here).
Of course, it’s not just Powell. Veterans from every branch of the military – and across 3 generations – are coming out to support the “occupy” protests.
And in response to the Berkeley police saying that linking arms and resisting attempts to clear a space is an act of “violence”, reader David writes:
It is every citizen’s duty to resist false arrest
There is no such crime as “resisting arrest.” This is a fictitious crime dreamed up by law enforcement to accuse a citizen of a crime when they refuse to surrender to the illegal demands of the police.
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on numerous occasions that resisting a false arrest is not merely a citizen’s right, but his duty! In fact, the Supreme Court has gone so far as to rule that if a law enforcement officer is killed as a result of actions stemming from a citizen’s attempts to defend themselves against a false arrest, it is the fault of the officer, not the citizen.
Here’s a short collection of relevant court rulings on false arrest and resisting arrest:
“When a person, being without fault, is in a place where he has a right to be, is violently assaulted, he may, without retreating, repel by force, and if, in the reasonable exercise of his right of self defense, his assailant is killed, he is justified.” Runyan v. State, 57 Ind. 80; Miller v. State, 74 Ind. 1.
“These principles apply as well to an officer attempting to make an arrest, who abuses his authority and transcends the bounds thereof by the use of unnecessary force and violence, as they do to a private individual who unlawfully uses such force and violence.” Jones v. State, 26 Tex. App. I; Beaverts v. State, 4 Tex. App. 1 75; Skidmore v. State, 43 Tex. 93, 903.
“An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his liberty has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any other assault and battery.” (State v. Robinson, 145 ME. 77, 72 ATL. 260).
“Each person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest. In such a case, the person attempting the arrest stands in the position of a wrongdoer and may be resisted by the use of force, as in self- defense.” (State v. Mobley, 240 N.C. 476, 83 S.E. 2d 100).
Do individuals have the right to come to the aid of another citizens being falsely arrested? You bet they do. As another court case ruled:
“One may come to the aid of another being unlawfully arrested, just as he may where one is being assaulted, molested, raped or kidnapped. Thus it is not an offense to liberate one from the unlawful custody of an officer, even though he may have submitted to such custody, without resistance.” (Adams v. State, 121 Ga. 16, 48 S.E. 910).
And on the issue of actually killing an arresting officer in self defense:
“Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer’s life if necessary.” Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306. This premise was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case: John Bad Elk v. U.S., 177 U.S. 529.
I believe that violence discredits the entire protest movement. I therefore hope that the protesters remain peaceful, even when confronted with unlawful arrests. However, as David points out, the police have no right to make unlawful arrests in the first place.